Yateendra A log of everyday life

How to create a free blog with Jekyll and GitHub Pages in 10 minutes

To host this site I used GitHub Pages and to generate the structure in the form of a blog I used Jekyll , a static site generator with the same functionalities as a CMS.

What is Jekyll?

Jekyll is a simple tool that transforms pages written in HTML, Textile or Markdown into a structured blog without the need of a database or dynamic code in the backend .

What is GitHub Pages?

GitHub Pages is a static website hosting provided free by GitHub.

What does it take?

  • PC with Linux or MacOS
  • Account in GitHub
  • 10 minutes
  • Text editor for HTML like Brackets , Atom , Sublime.

Create a repository on GitHub

  • Log in to your GitHub account
  • Create a new repository exactly under the name username.github.io , where username is your username (does not work if you do not enter your username exactly).
  • Open the terminal ctrl + alt + t and clone the repository

` $ git clone https://github.com/username/username.github.io`

Choose a theme for your website [optional]

  • Enter the repository of Jekyll themes and choose your favorite.
  • Clone the theme
  • Put the theme in your repository (do not forget that username is your username in GitHub).

$ git clone https://github.com/rosario/kasper $ mv kasper/* username.github.io $ cd username.github.io

Upload the files to your repository in GitHub it will ask for your username and password

$ git add --all $ git commit -m "post: Hello World!" $ git push origin master

Access your new website The URL is exactly the name of the repository you created. Then, go to: username.github.io . If it is not yet available, wait a few minutes.

And Jekyll? Now that you have a working website, you need to learn how to create new posts. That’s where Jekyll comes in.

To create a new post you must create a file inside the folder _postsnamed obeying the following format: YYYY-MM-DD-titulo-do-post.html for example 2015-01-14-hello-world.html. If not obeyed, Jekyll will not know how to organize his posts.

Get to work:

Install Jekylll

$ gem install jekyll

Create a file called 2015-01-14-hello-world.html $ touch \_posts\2015-01-14-hello-world.html Add the following lines in the created file:

layout: post
title:  Hello World!
date:   2015-01-14 15:00:00
<p>Y Love You World s3</p>

To see how your page will be online, start a Jekyll server $ jekyll serve

visit localhost: 4000

Conquer the world! Repeat step # 3 and see your new post online. If you want to learn more about Jekyll, check out its official documentation . It is very complete and easy to understand. It is worth taking a look.

Discuss below your experience with Jekyll and the tutorial.